About Us

What began in 2006 with a business experiment and a single book has turned into a history factory. Not only have I brought more than fifty important volumes of Texas history back from obscurity, but the Press offers an array of historic maps and Texas images, all produced in-house in our downtown Corpus Christi store. I consider myself the luckiest gal in the world to be able to do what I do for a living.


I'm Michelle Haas. In addition to selecting, designing, editing, and proofreading old Texas history books, I occasionally write an original one. I authored Dad & Doc to tell the stories of the men who discovered the great East Texas oil field. I have compiled and annotated firsthand accounts of Texian Navy sailors and Goliad Massacre survivors. Bringing obscure Texana back to life and keeping it alive for today's Texans is what drives me. I'm also the founder of Texas History Trust, a Texas history non-profit that advocates for fact-based Texas history.