Travis' Victory or Death Letter - Fine Art Print
"I shall never surrender or retreat."
Col. William Barrett Travis' Victory or Death letter has been called a masterpiece of American Patriotism, but the letter reached the world at large in a slightly different form than he intended.
When they printed the original broadside at San Felipe de Austin, Baker & Borden changed a few words, omitted the address line and altered the salutation.
That's the form that made it into the Telegraph and Texas Register, which was copied by the New Orleans papers on March 16 and finally arrived in Washington DC on March 31. It wasn't until mid April that the text was printed in the New England papers.
Those New Englanders were the first to read it with the poignancy that you and I experience, as they had already learned the fate of Travis and the Alamo defenders.
Here it is: Restored to the form Travis intended. 18 by 24 inches. The type clean, clear and legible. If your vision is 20/20 you can read it from across the room.
It's designed to remind you of the men of the Alamo and their commander...of the sacrifice they willingly made for the cause of liberty. It's not just a pretty picture to hang on your wall.
It stands for something.
Physical Details
- 18 by 24 inches
- On buttery smooth heavyweight paper.
- Fits in a standard size frame.
The paper is acid free, cold press fine-art paper with a buttery finish. This surface allows the inks to 'bite', reproducing the shading and tonality of the original map vividly, beautifully, and exactly.
The inks are guaranteed color-fast for 80 years, which means you won't need to lay out the extra money for UV glass. You can hang your map in direct sun and it will be just as bright when they are passed on to the next generation it is the day it ships.
It's an instant heirloom. Get yours before they're gone...and get one to give to a friend. He'll owe you!